I have been blessed
With a very best of friends
teaching me that unconventionalism,
Which has seared through
My soul all my days,
Is to be acknoledged
Openly within myself.
As a teacher of life he continues
To show me that possession
Is unworthy
But is replaced by commitment, caring
And understanding.
He has brought to me the
Contentment that there is honor
To be cherished between souls;
That to cherish him is to allow his spirit and individuality
As well as my own,
Be constantly redefined.
This tresured kindred soul
Illuminates love in many forms;
Each is so special that it is to be capture,
Held in ones soul and memory.
With him there is opportunity to new and difference
That is always to be a way to reacquaint onself
With parts of your personality you thought long gone.
Fun and romance belong together
And willhold souls together far deeper
Than the need to have the physical being...
It is the spirit and the soul that are matched
Not the flesh.