Little frog, what have you to say?
It's raining out here, please don't get washed away
Little frog, where have you to go?
I worship the weakness you try not to show
Oh blessings, oh nature, oh wonderful things
Oh sunshine, cool water, trees growin in rings
My blessings, oh nature, short time they abide
While forever and always I'll find you outside
As it rains on the crickets outside of my car
I wish I were naked, asleep in the yard
Like Eve and her Adam in bed with the snake
When God did evict them from Eden's embrace
My people, my city, oh nothing is wrong
Ants on a hill we are, life cycles long
But we cover our nature in concrete and black sap
And we bury our mother in pink plastic wrap
It's dirty out here in the woods
My life in the city is clean and it's good
You say God must be clean and heaven must too
But my God made the world with the dirtiest glue
Little frog, how simple it be
To hop on the ground, to sleep on a leaf
Little frog, someday when I die
I hope i'm promoted to living your life
Electricity's good and enlightenment's nice
But I'd love to smushed on the road once or twice