I've taught you for three years instructing you in my Poison Clan techniques. We live here in seclusion so we can talk about the clan. The point is I had pupils once. Is that a fact? What are there names? Where are they? I don't know their names now. When they left they all took new names, as the whole idea was to keep their identities a close secret. So even they don't know each other's names. And while they were here they always wore masks to avoid being known. I worry about what there all doing. What I taught them could be used wrongly for evil to hurt men. So then I would like to make sure this hasn't been the case and you will do that for me. Teacher, how will I find them if they've changed their names? And to make it harder they won't show their sk**s they'll keep them hidden unless it is an emergency. If bad you must k** them