Let Your light, let it shine in me
So that all this world can see
The Father's love is great enough
Oh, let them see Your love in me.
By this one thing they all will know
Yet to others, I do show
The Father's love is great enough
Oh, would You let them see Your love in me?
Oh, the Father's love is great enough,
Oh, to send His son to die for us
And now, through Him, they all can see
The Father's love shining in me.
Oh, I'm not ashamed of Your name
Not just in a word, not just in deeds;
Oh, but let it show, oh, let it be
A shining light for them to see
So, let Your light, let it shine in me
So that all this world can see
The Father's love is great enough
Oh, let them see Your love in me.
Let them see Your love in me. (2x)