See I try to hide the fact That I am just a fragile individual So I give off this facade that I'm so hard When in fact I'm far from unbreakable I'm so afraid to talk and express myself Keepin' all my feelings bottled inside Of this empty shell that I call my heart 'Cause I can't let love back in again... Oh, I wish I'd known love was cold before I fell in 'Cause I went head on with its storm Like lightning going into sand... [Chorus:] Oh, it's better to have loved Than not to have loved at all So I guess I should feel fortunate But I don't feel that way, least not in my heart
'Cause see love has left me broken (broken like gla**) So when you see me you can call me See me you can call me Misses Gla** Now after all the lying to myself I'm stuck feeling miserable When I have forced myself to be somebody else Making me seem invisible 'Cause see I'm a woman like any other woman And sometimes I get emotional and it might seem hard to understand where I'm coming from And you might never ever know Oh, I wish I'd known love was cold before I fell in 'Cause I went head on with its storm Like lightning going into sand [Chorus]