Come one, come all
Leave your looms and milking stools
Coop the hens and pen the mules
Come one, come all
Close the churches and the schools
It's the day for breaking rule
Come and join the Feast of -
- Fools!
Out here -
So exciting
Colors, crowds, and smells
Out here -
Where it's twice as noisy
As the bells
I can wander through this
Helter-skelter without fear now
No one sees I'm here now
Out here in the world
Once a year we throw a party
Here in town
Once a year we turn all Paris
Upside down
Every man's a king
And every king's a clown
Once again, it's Topsy Turvy day
It's the day the devil in us gets released
It's the day we mock the prig and shock the priest
Everything is topsy turvy
At the Feast of Fools
Topsy Turvy
Beat the drums and blow the trumpets
Topsy turvy
Join the bums and thieves and strumpets
Streaming in from Chartres to Calais
Scurvy knaves are extra scurvy
On the 6th of Janu-ervy
All because it's Topsy Turvy Day
[PHOEBUS, spoken]
Into this crowd strode a young cavalier: Captain Phoebus deMartan, at your service
[CONGREGANT, spoken]
Whose dashing manner and bold swagger could not quite conceal the haunted look in his eyes
[PHOEBUS, spoken]
New to Paris, just back from the front
[CONGREGANT, spoken]
One of those handsome fellows to whom all the girls take a liking
[PHOEBUS, spoken]
Thank you, ladies