Waiting in the shadows
Cloaked by the veil of night
The father of a line of kings
His soul must take flight
The King feared his knowledge
And his offspring’s fate to reign
He called forth three a**a**ins
To complete the Sisters’ Bane
His Treachery at climax
For blood again was shed
All the bonds of friendship
In pieces they were shred
Blood Will Have Blood
Twenty Stabs For A Fruitless Crown
My Will Against God
Twenty Stabs For A Fruitless Crown
Rejoicing at the banquet
For as King he was proclaimed
Alas upon his throne…sitting
Lay a spectre, pale and maimed
With twin black eyes it glared at him
A manifestation of his guilt
With blood so cold, and skin so white
He pledged the spirit to quit his sight
He spoke to it in terror
Though invisible to his guests
The Queen, upset exused her husband
For this fit as if possessed
But the spectre doth appeared
For the second time that night
With a reckless spree and outburst
To his chambers the prince took flight