k**er The scariest writer since RL Stine And then Bach I'm jimi Hendrix a mental a**ylum a Lamborghini gallardo and migos line Wrapped in a ziploc That means I'm f**in crazy homes a stupid investment and a musician out my mind Is it hip hop I finish lines like nitrogen tanks replaced my speakers I finish lines like a kid on accelerated reader And the style thats got all of the weaker minded pissed off Its funny Cuz im finished with Shtick and I Whipped it Now I'm top dollar cream de la crim delight Flickerin sh** the light switch is Flippin to different sides From the pic to the vid I'm takin who settin the pic for mine Move it Phych I'm saika physchadelics in the hands of dommer Put my sound wit sounds on Ross Munroe Luke bonds or kaytranda sh**'ll cut like butchers knives or saika slasher 8 katannas Shing the shiv its civic duty take benny straight from Hanna (get the f** out) Check ya FAM fam
Where I'm from you can't have you city on yo back with a tramp stamp dog Where I'm from you either run or get ran fam Mic check dot sheets out welcome to band Camp sh**'ll get experimental Trippy if you hear a little Bit it get so clear its crystal Skull get cracked it hitchya temple Body is a temple lord Difference tween them pots and pistols Metal bang you makin music One of em'll make em miss you The other one leave you dead One dem flew upside your head Emerse yourself inside the first In too deep you lost your friends You dont know whats crack is work How thin is that line you tread Above 3 crack ya crown Thats as deep as conscious get My consciousness never under pressure from what y'all deliver The water boils and bubbles I'm sailin pond or river I ponds river I'm wavy baby Find the difference X marks the dot you forgot reset and next time remember k**er