I! Proop show proop see proop pppp...
I! Proop show proop see proop pppp.
I just mean pa, just as mean as a pa.
I just mean pa, just as mean as a pie...
War! f** the System, War! f** the System, f** the System.
War! f** the System, War! (I need to f** the system, I need to f** the system, I need to f** the system)
I! Proop show proop see proop pppp...
I! Proop show proop see proop pppp...
I just mean pa, just as mean pa.
I just as mean pa, just as mean pie...
War! f** the System, War! f** the System, f** the System.
War! f** the System, War! (I need to f** the system, I need to f** the system, I need to f** the system)
(You need to f** the System)
(You need to f** the System)
(You need to f** the System)
(You need to f** the System)
I! proop show proop see proop pppp...
I! Proop show proop see proop pppp...
(I need to f** the System!)
(I need to f** the System!)
(I need to f** the System!)
We all need to f** the System!