[Song 1]
They caught me frenchin' my cousin under the mistletoe
Not again!
Oh what a shame that we got caught
Yip a dubby dub bub
[Song 2]
Baby, did you know that most Christmas songs were actually written by Jews?
B-b-baby, did you know?
[Song 3]
I'm standing under mistletoe
Waiting for some chicks (x2)
I'm standing under m--
[Song 4]
Christmas time is here once more
Tum ticky-ticky tum
Ticky tum too
I want a Playstation 4
Tum ticky-ticky tum
Ticky tum too
[Song 5]
We're worried about you, Santa
We're worried about your weight
Obesity's a health issue
That really can't freaking wait
You're too damn fat
Santa you're too damn fat
[Song 6]
Jingle those bells
And deck the halls
And frosty, rudolph, santa's sleigh, and a mistletoe, and a Dradle too
[Song 7]
Kwanzaa is important, too
So break out your menorahs
Or what ever you guys use
I don't know
I'm not Kwanziaan
[Song 8]
Candy canes! (x2)
Lick them in a spear and k** your enemies
Stab (x16)
[Song 9]
I wish I had a dad for Christmas
He told me he was going to the store
I don't think he did