Getting Hung-Up Small tasks and insignificant things Can take on tremendous importance and interest Often you find yourself doing some little thing over and over Like picking lint off your dog Or staring at a tiny spot on the wall Or playing with something like this little microphone bu*ton here That doesn't seem to have much of a purpose really Except that it makes a funny noise whenever I push it You know I think I'm getting hung-up Time disorientation and hung-upedness Act together quite often You find yourself doing something inane for a long time And thoroughly enjoying it Even though every now and then You think you've been doing it forvever When you're doing something really dumb Like watching Queen For A Day or The Flying Nun on TV Another symptom is revealed After staring like idiots at the show for eighteen minutes
Someone will ask "What are we watching this for?" "Oh oh oh oh" "C'mon c'mon" "Guys" "(?)" "(?) and Ron Ward 1977" "Ron Ward is the monster right?" "No Ron Ward is the actor" "That's ridiculous" "Well change it, change it" "Wait didn't you just" "Hmm" "I thought you flipped by the uh" "Hmm" "You know what this is?" "What?" "What a guy" "Rich Houser's Holiday 1976" "Rich Houser's Holiday" "(?)" "Why don't you flick the bean on so" "You change it" "Oh c'mon" "Oh" We'll all turn, nod at whoever asked the question Then resume your show watching All together, until the show is concluded Why? Because the basic truth about being stoned Is that everything, even televison, is good You must learn to be careful about this