I get caught up in the magic Happiness can be quite tragic How long can someone feel this real? Many breaths before she falls To a hole underground Can this really be full orbit? She ignores those who ignore it Sometimes I wonder if she's listening Or if it's just some profound response It's unlikely Just because you're getting weaker Doesn't mean that they forgot when you were strong Your memory is more than just the end Everybody sees you differently Knowing you will stay with them 'til one of us take your place
Really hope you make Christmas Really hope it's on your wishlist But not just one of those excuses To make one of us feel worthless I keep my rhymes to a word So you'd never feel alone But you should know Just because you're getting weaker Doesn't mean that they forgot when you were strong Your memory is more than just the end Just because you're getting weaker Doesn't mean that they forgot when you were strong Your memory is more to me than what you look like now