I wouldn't dream of ever following this trail If I was seen it was a hollow self and frail Under that sheening of her hair about the wind And I am clean feeling the air upon my skin Follow that gleaming to the hallow of this field Cathedrals greening in the hallow of these trees Offering me on the all hallow of my knees And I am free on this the hallowest of eves Chorus: This whistled lore Is now a hum This thistled floor Now smooth and spun This listening shore Is now undone This glistening chorus Is now a drum To feel the cold dirt in the clawing of my toes Tear off my old shirt or the shawl that is my clothes My step's most surely in the footfall of the host
In glowing turf there is a healing in the smoke Perhaps you've seen them only then you've just believed And when they're fleeing then you feel you've been deceived But in that feeling something ancient's been retrieved And in the meantime something new's being conceived And now the glowing in the halo of the moon Rising so slowly in the palest of the gloom The heel and toe now moving closer through the foam Pulling the flow of all the waves of ocean home The oak the ash the thorny apple in the breeze Pale glow of lichen phosphorescent silver green No thorny crown no iron nails hung in the trees Only these sounds sung on this hallowest of eves