When there's a party of four and only three couches, Often there's one guest who likes to besprinkle the rest Excluding his host who supplies the water: his host too Though later when, drunk, truthful Liber unlocks the heart. Yet you, hating blackguards, consider him charming, Direct, and urbane. Did I seem then spiteful or vicious, If I laughed because stupid Rufillus smells of pastils, Gargonius of goat? If someone while you were there Gave a hint of Petillius Capitolinus' thefts, You'd be sure to defend him as is your habit: ‘Capitolinus has been a dear friend and companion
Since childhood: he's done me many a favour when asked, I'm delighted he's living freely here in the City: But I'm still amazed at how he escaped that trial.' That's the black ink a cuttlefish squirts, now, that's Pure venom. Let such nastiness be far from my work, And well before that from my heart: if there's anything I can truly promise, I'll promise you that. If I Speak too freely, too lightly perhaps, you'll allow me That liberty, please. The best of fathers formed me: So I'd flee from vice, he'd point it out by example.