[Book VII – Italy: The Promised Land and the Outbreak of Wat]
Rea**ured by this vision and the words of his father, Aeneas landed
Near the Tiber's mouth in Latium and, on the basis of the signs that
Had been foretold, he recognized the promised land…
He made a pact with the king of the Latins, Latinus, to guarantee the
Safe and peaceful future of both peoples. To celebrate this alliance
He offered Aeneas his daughter Lavinia in marriage… but goddess
June burled her wrath against the sacred pact, stirring up discord and
First of all, she infected Queen Amata, Latinus' wife, with resentment
At her husband's decision. Secondly, she sent the Fury Allecto, the
Demon of discord, to stir up the king of Rutulians, Turnus, who was
Betrothed to Latinus' daughter. The sacred pact was broken and the
Dynastic marriage, arranged between Aeneas and Lavinia, was called
Off… the gates of war were thrown open while Latinus couldn't do
Anything to avoid it
So, a powerful coalition of Latin peoples marched on the Trojan camp
Including the tyrant Mezentius and the Volscian warrior-maiden Camilla
The biggest army never seen from the times of Achilles and Hector…
On the plain – look
To the sunshine burns
The shadow of mars returns
His altars arise
Here it comes – the time
To be brave is at hand
Shields, lances and swords
Twirl high in the air
Now the gates of war
Are forced by the Queen
Come down from the holy skies
Day after day, remember this time
They are marching on to blood and tears
Day after day, remember this time
For the glory and life after d**h
Holy muse, may my chant celebrate
Of these and ancient times
The heroes and kings
May I sing – keepers of memories
The greatest war never see
From Troy's times