The first time i held you
I was so nervous that i barely touched you
The first time we kissed i thought
I might collapse out and die the happiest guy on earth.
The first time you said I love you
I almost cried because
I had finally knew
That you felt the same way about me
The first time we made love,
Well there's no words to describe what that felt like
One moment stands out to me
More than all the others
The first time you cried on my shoulder.
As sad as it was, it was important
That day when you looked up at me
With tears in your eyes i couldn't bare it
I still can't
In that moment I decided
I would do anything to protect you
To make you happy
So that you wouldn't have to cry again
I would at least do my best to be there
To wipe your tears away when they're unavoidable
I looked at you and realised that
I would anything for this smart and beautiful
Yes, silly girl because you deserved to happy
More than anyone i knew
I sometimes say that you could find someone better
In some ways i guess you could
Unfortunately, as hard as you and i try
We're still going through a tough time
I miss you so much that it hurts not being with you
I'm sad that now when you cry
There's nothing i can do to help you
In a way i feel like I've failed you
I'll keep trying my best to make this work
To make you smile like i know you will to
No two people on earth
Want to be together as badly as we do
We will definetly find a way to be together
Even if we can't see the path we should take right now
I love you Jessica
I will stand by you through everything
One day i'l be able to call you Mrs. Herrera for real
You're my world
My purpose
You're everything to me