Half-handed Cloud - lyrics

Top Half-handed Cloud lyrics

Bed That Breathes With Him
Bed That Breathes With Him
Half-handed Cloud


Baldy Knees
Baldy Knees
Half-handed Cloud


Baby Moon *
Baby Moon *
Half-handed Cloud


Animals Are Cut in Two
Animals Are Cut in Two
Half-handed Cloud


A Tree Replanted Back In Eden


Half-handed Cloud biography

A moniker lifted out of the Old Testament by performance artist/multi-instrumentalist John Ringhofer, Half-Handed Cloud specialize in creating economically complex pop. His tenure with the quirky Wookieback over, Ringhofer has carved out a unique niche for himself with his insistence on severely truncated song structures. Armed with a 1960s Sears particle-board guitar, a trombone, and any number of other instruments he puts his hands on, often accompanied by ghoulish dolls and the adornment of homemade art, he's a ... Show more