Well I've been up, I've been down Treading water I'm now found Keeping my head just above The antithesis of love Yes, I've been lost now I find It's a struggle to be kind We would without what lies within Twist and break At the whim of the wind And we're not getting any younger That's why I stop, gotta go Hit the road, I'm out the door Cause life's just wasting away Chasing time day after day So live it up while it lasts Hurry up it's moving fast
Should really get hip to this Sometimes ignorance Is light years from bliss Life is stop and go Traffic, stop and go Life is stop and go The more I learn the less I know how to stop Ride the brake right to the top It's all about patience And of thinking first for once Still some finagle their way How they do it I can't say Against all odds they prevail Should be capsizing But they're setting sail