Grieving eyes through blackened veils, the shadow of the Sephirot gave birth to form eternal web, woven into the matrix soul. Bring matter forth. Giver of form. Torn from the pages of Enoch, forth from across the labyrinth called. Bursting forth from every pore, the breath of life; create – destroy. Now to breathe beyond the ether and diminish these worlds. From the realm where d**h is undone, drowning in a sea of,
left an eternity of black. Seeking knowledge wrought from the archives. Decoding insane communication. Another withered branch stemmed from the trees of chaos. Rampantly it runs. d**h and sickness infect the species of men. A negation of things awry. A dark and screaming apocalypse from remnants of a burning sky. A world where our course is set, and d**h is merely brought to life.