Out of the dust of things
A planet comes to stay
A kilo-mega-gigaton of advice to take
None of it pointing the same way
None of it ever doing anything anyway
I guess it's wasting all your time
But are you sacrificing anything anyway
Or have you only known the ride? (Collision imminent)
What if I get granted access to the moving parts but find I don't know what it's made of?
What if I get down there and the only drink around is something I don't like the taste of?
What if I'm not emotionally equipped to make the best of the worst situations?
What if it's all ok?
Wait in line to fight a fire that's out before your turn
Wait in line and then expire and somehow still get burned
I never wanted to be anyone anyway
I never wanted to be here
I guess nobody ever wanted to be themselves
And if they did it would be weird
Floating further and further away
Floating further and further away