( Repeat Chorus) How excellent is your name you are worthy of our praise How majestic is your name glory to the lamb that was slain you are king of kings lord of lords great almighty God How excellent is your name and we're going to proclaim how excellent, how excellent how excellent is your name how excellent how excellent how excellent everyday the same how excellent so majestic is your name in all the earth how excellent how excellent how excellent we give you glory, we give you honor we give you the praise we bless your name we extol you, we magnify you, we lift you up where you belong you are wonderful, you are marvelous you are glorious, one of a kind you stand alone, you reign supreme you're in a cla** all by yourself you're the king of king's, you're the lord of lord's fairest of ten thousand, bright and morning star
you're the Day star, lily of the valley rose of Sharon, that's who you are wonderful counselor, almighty God you're the prince of peace, everlasting father you're the alpha and omega you're the beginning and the end Jehovah Jireh you're my provider Jehovah Rapha you are my healer Jehovah Nissi you fight my battles Jehovah shalom you are my peace Jehovah Tsidkenu you are my righteousness Jehovah Medkedesh sanctify me Jehovah Shammah the lord is there right there right there in the midst of your trouble in the midst of your struggles in the midst of your trials in the midst of your pain how excellent, how excellent how excellent is your name you're so ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, ooh oh, excellent how excellent - how la da da, la da da, la da da, la da da