Bitter-sweet nostalgia...
Desire pulls hard
But it's too late
Dead are all my virtues
And gifts
It dulls not any pains
And hard covet
Reaps a poor harvest
In these latter days
Starve me in
Bone man torture
Skin-tight lover
Pound upon pound
Of flesh paid well
With gnawing ache
And hunger
But your want lies asleep
Under frozen layers of ignorance
Or even fear
Dressed in sacrilege
I sprawl in hurt
...And wear thorns
Just for you
Read my scars
Count my sorrows
But see me!
'Lest the cruel beauty
In my song face the trial
Of deaf ears
And that is truly worse than d**h
I dance in your spirit
And sleep so well in your arms
Awake unattainable one...