Hi ho the rattlin' bog
The bog down in the Valley O
Hi ho the rattlin' bog
The bog down in the Valley O
And in the bog there was a tree
A rare tree and a rattlin' tree
Tree in the bog
And the bod down in the Valley O
And on that tree there was a limb
A rare limb and rattlin' limb
Limb on the tree, and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the Valley O
And on that limb there was a branch
A rare branch and a rattlin' branch
Branch on the limb on the tree
And on that branch there was a nest
And in that nest there was an egg
And in that egg there was a bird
And on that bird there was a feather
And on that feather there was a horse
And on that horse there was a bee
And on that bee there was a child ... (OUCH)