C. Stephenson)
You create the reason
For your existence
Create the reason
For your existence
How many people really know what
They're talking about
Or if what they're saying is true
All I know is what I observe
All the rest is created by mind
It seems there is something
Rather than nothing
Non-existence does not exist
I'm trying to explain the essence of being
To get a realization of what I consist
You may think it absurd to make a
Theory of reality
When reality is relative
To the mind that occurs
But since the mind that occurs is of the
Same species
The genus h*mo
Then I'm talking to you
There's an infinite parallel theory that
The universe splits
Into innumerable copies of itself at
Every moment
There's a superstring theory that there
Are ten dimensions
Six of which are so small we never see
It's possible that everything that exists
Equals nothing
It just popped into existence through a
Quantum fluctuation
And I think it's important that you
Consider the fact
That the mind may be a mathematical