All F.K.Ü. (band) Albums
01 4: Rise of the Mosh Mongers (2013)

- 112 Ocean Avenue
- A Nightmare Made Thrash
- Anthem of the Moshoholics
- At the Mountains of Madness
- Black Hole Hell
- Cannibal Detox
- Esox Lucius
- Marz Attacks
- Rise of the Mosh Mongers
- Scream Bloody Mosher
- Terror Train
- The Überslasher Pt. 1 *
- The Überslasher Pt. 2 *
- The Überslasher Pt. 3
- The Überslasher Pt. 4
- They Feed in the Dark
02 Metal Moshing Mad (1999)

- Beware! (of the Evil Ünderwear)
- Beware! Pt.2 *
- Bus b**h Die
- Bus b**h Die, Pt.2
- Cut Your Hair
- Deutchland *
- Die Some More
- Dug-Out s**s *
- F.K.Ü. (Coming for You)
- He Saw Her Today
- Horror Metal Man
- Mackrory Mosh
- Maniac
- Metal Moshing Mad
- Metooaahl© *
- Michael Myers Costume Party
- Mosh Under Pressure
- Stomp and Shake (Crystal Lake)
- Tear Your Soul Apart II
- Unstopable Force *
- You Stink