All Ezra Pound Albums
01 A Lume Spento (2016)
02 Cathay (2016)
- A Ballad of the Mulberry Road
- Exile's Letter
- Lament of the Frontier Guard
- Old Idea of Choan by Rosoriu
- Poem by the Bridge at Ten-Shin
- Preface to Cathay
- Sennin Poem By Kakuhaku
- Song of the Bowmen of Shu
- South-Folk In Cold Country
- The Beautiful Toilet
- The Jewel Stairs' Grievance
- The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter
- The River Song
- To-Em-Mei's "The Unmoving Cloud"
03 Exultations (2016)
- "Fair Helena" by Rackham
- A Song of the Virgin Mother
- Alba Innominata
- Aux Belles de Londres
- Ballad of the Goodly Fere
- Christophori Columbi Tumulus
- Defiance
- Francesca
- Greek Epigram
- Guido invites you thus
- Histrion
- Hymn III
- Laudantes Decem Pulchritudinis Johannae Templi
- Nel Biancheggiar
- Nils Lykke
- Piere Vidal Old
- Planh
- Planh for the Young English King
- Plotinus
- Portrait
- Sandalphon
- Sestina for Ysolt
- Sestina: Altaforte