[verse 1] I know this part might be corny. Just bear with me I love hot peppers. Unfortunately, they give me ulcers I can tolerate the ulcers, but I also get canker sores The canker sores are worse and they're often caused by hot sauce Not only do they hurt, but they keep me from rapping Sometimes, they're so bad that it hurts just talking Even if they aren't bad, they're really distracting When I've got a couple canker sores, I usually forget about recording Instead, in that situation, I try focusing on writing But I've already got plenty of lyrics. I need to finish something It would probably be best for me if I quit eating anything spicy Because burritos and tacos will likely be the d**h of me Next time I have pizza, I should try it without the hot sauce But I can't bring myself to do that, because I love it too much You'd think I could at least resist it when I already have an ulcer And a canker sore or two, but it doesn't seem to matter I wonder if the problem is actually a lot deeper Maybe I have a problem with not caring about the future [hook 1] Why do I use so much hot sauce when it makes my stomach turn? I've got an ulcer and I guess I'm just addicted to the burn So get me some salsa and some hot sauce to mix in Even though I know that tomorrow I will be suffering [verse 2] Why do I do this? I make decisions Without even considering the consequences It's so simple, but common sense is Lacking or something so now I'm suffering I am neither misinformed nor am I ignorant I know full well about the cons, but I still do it I know what's right, but that doesn't matter I live for the moment instead of the future And I regret it as soon as it's over But it'll probably happen again tomorrow If only I could learn my lesson and make the correct decision But I just keep sinning without even second guessing I always learn the hard way, but I'm not actually learning Like that time when I burnt my finger on the oven With as bad as it hurt, it should never have happened again But I must be accident prone. It did happen again That's the story of my life: all of these accidents and bad decisions
All kinds of various afflictions are afflicting me in repetition [hook 2] Why is it so hard for me to live for the future? With the way I've been living, it seems evident I don't care So I'll feed my addictions and make more bad decisions Even though I know that I'll just regret it in the end [refrain] Every day is more of the same: same regrets and same stress Nothing ever seems to change. My life is still a mess Every day is more of the same: I'm still a victim of temptation Nothing ever seems to change. As long as I'm living, I'll be sinning [verse 3] While reflecting on my past, I had an epiphany I need to find something that can make my life worth living There's no point to what I've been doing. I don't care about anything That's the reason I'm reacting to things without even thinking I'm not proud or bragging. I'm just saying how it's going I've been blowing everything off as my life goes by Why is it so easy to deny that I'll eventually die? It's so depressing to remember that you've got so little time Everybody wants to live for the moment and do their best to have fun But none of what they've done has made them into someone I don't know about you, but I'm sick of wasting my life I'm sick of regretting my past. It's time to start getting it right You can't go back in time to change your past Life goes by fast and nobody really knows which day will be their last I'll most likely live a lot longer, but I could die any day And I can't undo my mistakes, so I've got to make them right today I hate myself for all of the mistakes that I've made All of those times I strayed from God when I should have prayed I should have read the Bible, but I went straight to bed The way I've been living is sinful and I deserve to be dead It makes me sick, but I'll move forward and forget about it I'm going to change everything to make the rest of my life worth it [hook 3] Why is it so hard for me to live for the future? With the way I've been living, it seems evident I don't care Every day is more of the same: I'm still in these same chains But today is the day when everything is going to change