(michael cretu) . Earth. a biosphere. A complex, Subtly balanced life support system. Et turtur nidum, Ubi reponat pullos suos Altaria tua domine virtutum, Rex meus, et deus meus (translation: And the turtledove a nest Where it might place its young Your altar of strengths, lord, My king and my god, ) We are floating over the line Let us follow our mind All of our life we'll wait for the answer And the question is why
. If we're following our mind We can glide into light No one knows if there'll be an answer While we're morphing thru time . We are floating over the line Let us follow our mind All of our life we'll wait for the answer And the question is why . We're just travellers In endless space If we're following our mind We can glide into light . No one knows if there'll be an answer While we're morphing thru time