Is there a god?
is there a thought i can think worthy enough of him to answer
is there a prayer i can prepare when my mind is bare for him to even care
do all the souls we sold to demons
get repaid with the faith we were taught to buy
did all the candles we came to light
fall and fill the gaps within our lives
or does it voyage along with its coins
and adds to the flames below for those who rot
do heavens gates lie on the other side of violent docks
can all who claim to feel pain for saying one word in vain
cross the rough and sinful sea or are we locked
inside a box amongst every other forgotten hope we've got
is there a god
what is it, and what is it not
do all these flocks and stocks have a way to go or are they lost
do those who hurt even get a shot
do those who get shot heal when the bleeding stops
is every raindrop a tear
and if so
are the angels ridden in fear
is yourself and your holy son the only thing you hear
because I've screamed and cried and u never lent an ear
so when you broke the hopeless towns because we didn't act like you had planned
did you k** your sons and daughters using a bow or spear
why did you make us so the same but yet different to our unearthly brothers?
i dreamt a dream so wonderful it would be a sin to dream again
i saw the bleeding men take refuge in the demons den
i dreamt of a time before the time that we began
yet the time i dreamt was not the past nor present nor the future that i see condemned
it was a time without a time with all the time to enjoy the leisures then
you could write without the need of pen
the most beautiful words without the need of sense
where lambs and lions lived along without the need of dens
i was a man who could not speak to men
a man who didn't want to see the men, or wasn't able
i saw the nameless angels bathe in babel
and every flame that came from cradles gave the same glow as the brave soul sitting next to them
i saw a world that refrained from chains and labels
freedom was put back on the table
and every saint that came to feast shared and gave away their halo
i dreamt a world where satan had repented
and god had saved the crazed demented
every corner of the world was scented with the sweet silhouette of the sound of same that seduced and saluted from the shadows
i dreamt a dream where everything was fixed and clean
a dream that couldn't happen in the world of the woken
as long as there was emotion behind every word thats spoken.