Oh where's your sense of humour gone? Big deal, you're back against that wall. It's never over, when you can savour, That danger pressed against your chest, The knee that's in your groin, We all get trapped by character, Shedding your skin can make it worse, But what's your worry? No need to hurry, Oh, we can blow it all today, and tomorrow we'll rehearse. 'Cause there's no better glory, when it all gets hairy, to be laughing in the midst of it all. I learned to whistle Nero's tune, That melody inside the tomb, He never bothered,
Climbing the ladder, He knew the power of a joke, When you're faced with your own doom. 'Cause there's no better glory, when it all gets hairy, to be laughing in the midst of it all. So throw your money in my pot, I'm taking everything you've got, If there's a limit, I've never seen it, So throw your caution to the wind, or mail it to Tibet! 'Cause there's no better glory, when it all gets hairy, to be laughing in the midst of it all. No there's no better glory, when it all gets hairy, to be laughing in the midst of it all.