[Intro] It began The same way It ended [Verse 1] Let me set the scene, war is a hellish thing Hellish as it's ever been, redefine what hellish means It's Evergreen seeing men k**ing their fellow beings Unheavenly screams pierced by deafening machines Sacrificing actual lives and recompensed in pennies each Said will this deceptive quest for peace never cease? Did you ever see a friend in need flee in terror, he Ebbed and weaved between threats and pleas, a wretch indeed Wet feet drenched deep in the trench's heat, each Feverish skeleton trembling and clenching teeth Tell me when the d**h of a wretch was the centrepiece He's just another leg wrenched from the centipede A stampede, a legion proceeding when decreed Chevaliers, regulars, levied men of every creed Naïve men of seventeen, each a bel esprit They've had their last meal, their blood's an aperitif A fellow dead at the speed at which he fell off his steed Leaving yet another friend or family member to grieve Pawns on a board where d**h is the referee A living chess piece that'll never get to Queen There's an enemy for every devotee of the regime For whom doing the obscene extreme is routine To then ascend the pecking order ‘til you get to chief Reset the record to the Pleistocene Beads of sweat, heaving chest, don't forget to breathe It seems to be progressive leads to being regressive beasts The quest to be a better being fettered by aggressive greed Tens of tens of centuries of horrendous deadly deeds A veteran can never rest in peace He's a revenant, a lesson destined to repeat Repeat
[Verse 2] He's a revenant, a lesson destined to repeat A veteran can never rest in peace Tens of tens of centuries of horrendous deadly deeds The quest to be a better being fettered by aggressive greed It seems to be progressive leads to being regressive beasts Beads of sweat, heaving chest, don't forget to breathe Reset the record to the Pleistocene To then ascend the pecking order ‘til you get to chief For whom doing the obscene extreme is routine There's an enemy for every devotee of the regime A living chess piece that'll never get to Queen Pawns on a board where d**h is the referee Leaving yet another friend or family member to grieve A fellow dead at the speed at which he fell off his steed They've had their last meal, their blood's an aperitif Naïve men of seventeen, each a bel esprit Chevaliers, regulars, levied men of every creed A stampede, a legion proceeding when decreed He's just another leg wrenched from the centipede Tell me when the d**h of a wretch was the centrepiece Feverish skeleton trembling and clenching teeth Wet feet drenched deep in the trench's heat, each Ebbed and weaved between threats and pleas, a wretch indeed Did you ever see a friend in need flee in terror, he Said will this deceptive quest for peace never cease? Sacrificing actual lives and recompensed in pennies each Unheavenly screams pierced by deafening machines It's Evergreen seeing men k**ing their fellow beings Hellish as it's ever been, redefine what hellish means Let me set the scene, war is a hellish thing [Outro] It ended The same way It began