JOSH'S VERSE A song of fire vs. ice / You a squire, I'm an honorary knight Valyrian sword while you carry a knife the rap game of thrones, you barely survive I Castrate you like Greyjoy - Then I'ma make you my slaveboy Now you be prayin to seven deities that I don't whip you with chains coiled You bout to get k**ed in a fighting pit I'm the rightful heir, you might as well quit You fired some arrows and missed You look like a Sparrow, you poorer than sh** And now you'll be burned and flayed Return to your cage Bring me some wine The King has arrived Spittin that Basilisk venom and now you cling for life DAN'S VERSE My raps are born from Melisandre's twat Yours are bloody boring, I'd rather listen to Hodor rap Me? I'm bigger than Brienne of Tarth. You? you're not even a half I do to your family what the Freys did to each of the Starks I could beat you every day of the week, Your name's not NLJ, it's Reek I flay a beat like Ramsay Bolton, turn the heat from cold to molten While I sit on the iron throne you sit and iron at home I'm a wildling lout, wilding out, the trail behind me's a pile of bones JOSH'S VERSE You gaze into the flames in Hope for wages and to be famous No stress, no pain Means no conquest, no gain Your lyrics were sent to you by a raven Who are you again? You have many faces Make it rain from the Iron Bank I pay a**a**ins for your dire straits I see your empire of pride and hate Trial by combat or hide from fate
I spit fire on your zombie body till you're covered in blisters You've been falling off since you caught me f**in your sister So bow and stop defending cause now your watch has ended DAN'S VERSE I cross the Narrow Sea, through flaming arrows east to Lhazareen I ride on the back of of a dragon beast, you struggle to ride this track on the beat I'm applying violence from Iron Oaks to the Iron Islands So pray to the old gods and the new to provide you guidance My presence is bigger than Tywin's, you're as thick as The Mountain My words pierce ears with the precision of Needle, you're an idiot shouting Every single track I hear you just repeat that one flow You're an idiot, to paraphrase Ygritte: "You know nothing, Jon Snow" JOSH'S VERSE You in pain with no milk of the poppy, full of shame - your lyrics are sloppy Sword of the morning, shinin so bright, Call me R'hlor, but Lord of the Mic Back from the dead, Beric Donderian, Dragon sky head from Daenerys Targaryen Conquer the war with Robert's Rebellion, Cut off your dwarf dick, no need for sellin it DAN'S VERSE Outnumbered a thousand to one, I'll still defeat your standing army I'm ready, I'm heavy, I better be renamed Notorious Samwell Tarly I'm the One True King of nerdcore, whatever else you may wish I've got more cunning in my little finger, Petyr Baelish