Vozila se šajka, mala barka,
Puna barka mladih devojaka
Barka im je od suvoga zlata
Jadra su im srebrom posrebrena
A kapitan Anica djevojka Zibala Jane Pavla detića
Zibala ga je celih devet ljet
Deseto ljeto mito pitala
Oj Jelena vodo ti ledena Vrbniče nad morem
visoka planino
Trajna, nina, ninena, visoka planino
U tebi se goje po izbor djevojke
Trajna nina ninena po izbor devoke Majka Maru preko mora zvala
Jesil Mare te rube oprala?
Nisam, majko, tek što sam počela
Šta si Mare letnji dan delala?
Pri moru sam ruzice trgala
Puna nedra, i oba rukava Coastal Melodies (translation) There is a small ship sailing
Small ship full of beautiful girls
The ship is made of pure gold
The sails are threaded with silver
While the captain is Anica a girl Jane was rocking little Pavle boy
Jane was rocking him for nine years
After nine years the tenth year she wondered
Oh Jelena your water is icy cold Oh Vrbnik high mountain above the sea
Tra-la-la-la,la-la-la high mountain
The best girls are brought up there
Tra-la-la-la, la-la-la brought up there Mother called Mara across the sea
Mara have you washed the laundry?
No mother I have not I have just started
What have you been doing all day long Mara
I was picking little roses by the sea
My bosom and sleeves are full of them.