The first time... the first time was, uh, outside a movie theater in Towson And... second was at a party, there were a couple people dancing at the party, my friends brought the bottle and I smoked a lot of weed and my friends were drunk, I didn't drink It was in a basement, we were high and wen't upstairs There's a couple I don't remember, there was one in the mall, there was one at a party of my friend's band in the garage, there was one underneath a playground while it was raining. I always really liked that one
There's on in my room, there's a couple in my room, there's one I tried but it didn't worked out, there was one in an... an apartment, house park There was one in my dorm room, a couple in other people's house There were... one on top of the junk, one at a bus stop, there was one outside in the smoke The first night I ever got drunk There was one outside... outside of a party I think that's good enough