Once in an age unknown - terrible wars were fought The ground covered with bodies - fallen in the battles of gods And the armies of the foul - like they have never been seen Were slaying without a thought Creatures of chaos - burning skies - realms of fire - battlecries Walls of ice - with a deadly glow - crimson blood covered snow [REF:] Hammers of gods - smashing down Drums of war - roaring sound Fallen angels - paiful cries Dying demons - gods of lies In the night a child was born - of the witches lust Sacrificed the body - burned and turned to dust
with the heart of a wolf - and the ravens eyes Roaming through the forest - flying above the sky [REF:] (Amd the godslayer was born - born in fire So the end of the gods is near - they will never survive) So he flies in the wings of a raven - and sees things that mankind will never see Mystic, wonderful places - places mankind will never be Hail the godslayer [REF:] Where are the friends - no friends I can see Who are the foe - there is no difference to me Where are the friends - no friend I can see Who are the foe - there is no difference to me