The calamity of fables to dire mysteries of spell casting Wicked walks through sorcery treachery collides with calm Fire and brimstone a prophecy in puerility My fire and brimstone is indulgence and dissent Waes**s! The jape in all its wounded pageant Has etched its sincerity upon the witless knaves A simper of collogue purport of diluents design The emesis of comic comity is a solace to insane bent The jesting stock of fantasy uncovenanted yet strong Cries with intertwined battles of verity and verse Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum Thy dominion scalds sorrowfully At the memories of Gabbatha Dehisce the heads of the righteous release those captive minds
Through the powers of Balaam brand the truths of greed By the wisdom of Bast and Thoth gather to reave life's “sins” Rebaptise thyself into rebellion and chaos with blood Your Son shall not shine again Dead murmurs at Calvary A crimson cascade to man …Fire and brimstone Auto-da-fe Claimed my brothers' freedoms Revenge the autumn of deceit …Fire and brimstone Joyance for our triumphs He of right has fell Epistler scripts the legend bawls into his hands Forswear the Prince Toilsome is the way of the cross powerless against Our enemies are destroyed victory the prize In original sin… Salve Salve Salve Fire and brimstone