Some of these old days mama, some of these old sad lonely nights
Some of these old days mama, some of these old sad lonely nights
You will look for your good daddy, and he'll be getting his half-day right
Because I leave town mama, don't count the days I'm gone
Because I leave town mama, don't count the days I'm gone
Just count them days baby, that you tried to do your daddy wrong
I been doing the same thing baby, ever since nineteen and twelve
I been doing the same thing baby, ever since nineteen and twelve
I been breaking down with you dizzy mares, seem like you want me to dig a country well
I would be your monkey-man mama, just can't climb no coconut tree
I would be your monkey-man mama, just can't climb no coconut tree
I breaks down with you dizzy mares, but I don't get on my happy black knees
Some day you going to need me mama, swear when I won't need you
Some day you going to need me mama, swear when I won't need you
Because when I try to love you right baby, seems like my loving won't do