The lavishness of life is my Decision The souls of all souls lie Securely in my hand A life is my servant and Nobody touches them but me I burn myself in the coldness Of the wind He hates and tortures me, Betrays himself But I am silent and mock him In spite of pursuit I hurl leprosy, pest and smallpox At him These are my last words These are my last thoughts My last way I behold the names of his holiness Because I grind them out of my body And cut them out of my body
The power of the pentagram Does not frighten me I am the master of the triangle Be careful and warned because I will not outwit him I will spew words and You will heed them As the call of his holiness But they will be nothing more Than one of my farces These are my last words These are my last thoughts My last way I am the master of all forms All forms arise from me I am the form of all forms These are my last words These are my last thoughts My last way