Crash Romeo - lyrics

Top Crash Romeo albums

Top Crash Romeo lyrics

Heavens When
Crash Romeo


Heading West
Crash Romeo


Hang Your Head
Crash Romeo


Give Me Something
Crash Romeo


Get Up, Shut Up
Crash Romeo


Gave Me The Clap
Crash Romeo


Crash Romeo biography

Having previously played together in the band Centsless, New Jersey-based Crash Romeo formed in late 2004 around friends Travis Weber (vocals), Ryan Weber (drums), Steve Anderson (guitar), Lil' Steve Mathews (ba**/vocals), and Adam Nordmeyer (keyboards). New Jersey peers and pals BEDlight for blueEYES soon mentioned the exuberant pop-punk band to their record label, Trustk**, and though an obvious change in sound from the label's more hardcore-oriented roster, Crash Romeo was an official part of the Trustk** family by ... Show more