One, two, one, two, three, four Things were rather different in great grandfather's day He just put a chain around their ankles and made them work for no pay He took everything they owned and yet still demanded more He did a bloody good job in taming the poor Now I'm rather more subtle, I say, I'll tell you what I will do I'll do everything I can to try and help you And you'll be helping me, I say, and I'll see that you're alright You can have a place of your own, you can even pretend to be white And you won't have to worry, I'll have a quiet word with your mates Oh they'll be alright, they'll have enough on their plate I'll put a bit in their mouths, you just pull hard on the reins They'll do anything for you and they won't complain You'll be so much better off, I say, you can share my paradise Just sign my piece of paper and I'll organize your life And it never fails, it does the trick, it works every time So me and my dear wife and the family's doing fine
Great granddad got his dukedom when slavery was abolished Dear old dad became a viscount when the Empire was finished But times have changed for the better with freedom of choice We're a thousand times richer, QED His Master's Voice A dog stares into a gramophone trumpet, waits for its call to action Mute and obedient, standing to attention Look a little closer, the dog is a woman She's working under a system that she can't understand Trapped inside a world of labor and heat So that she and her children will be able to eat The trumpet is patriarchy, it's old and fixed Where poor men are lured by desire to be rich Where the limited power is still given to men Where development aid is so wastefully spent Where western education enforces this crap Where women work in the open, yet live in a trap There's one solution, and this is it The dog leaps on the gramophone and has a sh**