Tonight the monkey's my mind
The organ grinder's deaf and blind
The music he plays sounds like murder
And I don't know if it's true
"Baby, why are you always so blue?"
Is it possible my dream of God did that to her?
Oh mercy, Lord Christ
I agree, nobody's nice
Rough reality is here, and she's bloody
The battle is not to the strong
Nor for those who play along
I'm just wondering how you could possibly still love me
Darling, I say, not pretending to be brave
Not wanting to seem too bold, but I am
So I feign humility, lest you think the world of me
We can change, I promise
In this moment
This morning I woke to laughter
I thought "is this the happy ever after?"
But I opened my eyes and was the same, all alone
I searched madly for a reason
Because that beast is guilty of treason
I just saw Satan try to usurp the high, holy throne
So hear me Lord, I pray
Let's bring back the day
In the night, in my mind, in her body
I don't believe she is gone
It's true, I've never been strong
Then why are my hands holding steady?
Darling, I say, not pretending to be brave
Not wanting to seem too bold, but I am
So I feign humility, lest you think the world of me
We can change, I promise
In this moment
Yet I feel no pain
I can't help laughing in the rain
And the red moon is blooming like a Nirvana rose
Black, then white, then pink
Perhaps I'm standing on the brink
Girl, come over here but first put on some clothes
Darling, I say, not pretending to be brave
Not wanting to seem too bold, but I am
So I feign humility, lest you think the world of me
We can change, I promise
In this moment
We can turn our phony tone
Into being here for one another
If we don't do it now
It's over