Szomor?an bolyongani
A r?vid f?ldi l?tben
Ez lett a sorsod ?s te
T?rt?l testben ?s ?szben
Minden ami van, ami volt
S mindent ami v?rt
Egy ember aki ?l v?llal sorsot,
Retteg?s, amit sokan
Nem is sejtenek, te ?lted
A f?ld eg?sz vir?gz? sz?ps?ge
Az ember zs?km?nya lett
Zaj ?s b?z, t?meg ?s por
Szem?t ?s fek?ly ?vsz?zad?t ?lj?k
Az Apokaliptika k?zpontja a vall?sos v?ls?g
Romokban hever az ?si v?ristenkir?lys?g
Mi a d?h m?h?ben fogant, a gy?l?let ?ltal v?sz el,
?ll?st foglal jelenkor ellen, rettenve testtel s ?sszel
Az emberis?g, mely eldobta
Az es?lyt a megtisztul?sra
Egy pillant?s alatt
Az erk?lcsi modellt a m?lybe ?sta
Az eml?kek nyelv?n ?v?lt
A keser?s?g ?s f?jdalom
A v?res kezeddel t?r?ld meg
?lmod? f?radt homlokod
A szent sz? ?ltal val? misztikus
Isteni mag?ny ?s elveszetts?g
A vonzalom ellen?llhatatlan
K?nyszer?t az ?lettelen m?lys?g
Hallgasd! Figyelmeztet az Apokalipszis b?mb?l?se
[English translation:]
Life is just a short and sad wondering in this world
Your destiny is suffering in body and mind like hero
Accepted everything there is and all that was coming
Like a man alive takes his destiny even if there's tragedy
Most don't even know about so much fear you lived
The blooming beauty of this world's man's prey
Mankind has blown its chance to purity
In no time the moral model got buried deep
Cynism, prostitution, perversion, isolation and falling souls
Look, how christianity's rotting our heart
Listen, The Apocalypse is warning us with roaring thunder
In the middle of this all's a religious crisis
The ancient bloodgodkingdom is razed to the ground
That conceived in the womb of hatred will be k**ed by it
It'll stand up against our age spreading fear through body and mind
The language of memories filled with bitterness and pain is roaring
Wipe off your tired, dreaming forehead with wour bloody hands
Divine mystical solitude through sacred words there's confusion
The depth of the afterlife is pulling this force can't be resisted