A cyclone of sand obscures the figure
Wind whips my face, I squint to set my gaze
Against the blinding sun and storm, I glimpse Nemesis
The weathered statue with infernal countenance
Fear the winged demon
Icon of deformity
Wings of eagle, claws of lion, tail of scorpion
Manifestation of storm wind
Breath of disease, Invoked by amulet
Bringer, of famine, malicious bringer of locusts
Storm bird awaken
Phallus of Pazuzu showers its venom
The thirst of Thanatos forces the maw
Thy cup overflows with spoiled degradation
Possession… Pazuzu Eternal!
Solo (Pazuzu Soars Above and Blocks the Sun
Heralding the Rise of the Scorpion Hordes)
1000 years of Darkness
1000 years of Plague
1000 years of Torment
Hallowed by Kiss of Shame
The cyclone enshrouds the form and locusts scratch my face
I see the statue's substance fall as sandstorm takes its place
The foul beast has risen, never to rest again
Victory! My soul to the lash eternally
Phallus of Pazuzu showers its venom
The thirst of Thanatos forces the Maw
Thy cup overflows with spoiled degradation