Cemetary 1213 - lyrics

Top Cemetary 1213 albums

Top Cemetary 1213 lyrics

The Lightning/Firewire
Cemetary 1213


The Carrier
Cemetary 1213


Sunset Grace
Cemetary 1213


Silicon Karma
Cemetary 1213


Cemetary 1213 biography

Cemetary 1213 was Swedish d**h metal icon Mathias Lodmalm's half-baked attempt to resurrect the band with which he originally made his name, Cemetary, following a few years working under the Sundown moniker. Calling upon guitarist Manne Engstrom, ba**ist Vesa K., and drummer Christian Silver (himself a Sundown alum), Lodmalm took up an energetic, goth metal direction not unlike his original band's latter-day work on Cemetary 1213's only album, 2000's The Beast Divine. But, with no further product emerging ... Show more