Brocas Helm - lyrics

Top Brocas Helm albums

Top Brocas Helm lyrics

Ghost Story
Brocas Helm


Fly High
Brocas Helm


Fall Of The Curtain
Brocas Helm


Drink And Drive
Brocas Helm



Brocas Helm biography

Even though they came into existence at around the same time and place (1982, the Bay Area) as the speed metal movement, San Francisco originals Brocas Helm shared only a few thrash-like tendencies with neighbors Exodus, Metallica, et al. Instead, like similarly overlooked contemporaries such as Manilla Road and Warlord, Brocas Helm members Bobbie Wright (guitars/vocals), Jim Schumacher (ba**) and Jack Hays (drums) blazed a less popular trail closer to traditional metal powers like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest ... Show more