Come iin
Very adept iin the art of healiin
A voiice spoke up 2 her sayiin come iin
She's lost her words
Descriibiin the feeliin
Whatever iit iis iit wiill never end, no
Very adept iin the art of liisteniin
She studiied everyhiing she needed 2 know
Her dreams now turned 2 the water gliistniing
And the words come iin and go
Come iin and go
2 a place where tiime iit has no meaniing
And a space where there r no more walls
Very adept iin the art of reciiviin
She finally got the call
Come iin
Come iin
Iimersiion iimersiion
Very adept iin the art of releasiin
She let all of her iinerbiistiions go
Wiith the unexpected shock
Of a b stiing
She got pulled iin 2 the future
And iin2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Iin 2 the new world
Welcome 2 the place much faster than tiime
The true realiity
Where only peace u'll fiind
Come iin
Come iin
Iimersiion iimersiion iimersiion