Please pick up, I've been cut
No, I haven't heard anything
Pick up, pick up
I haven't heard anything
If I loved it
Didn't that make me good?
If I loved it
Wouldn't that be enough to make me?
Please pick up, I'm cut off
No, I haven't heard anything
The moment hasn't come
The moment hasn't come
And I'm sick and I'm fast running out
Isn't that enough?
Enough to make you wrong
And makes me good
I'm cut off
No, I haven't heard anything
The moment hasn't come
And I'm sick
And I'm fast running out
In a six and somewhere on the earth
Isn't that enough?
Isn't that enough to make you wrong
And makes me good?
It makes you wrong and makes me good
Pick up, pick up
I haven't heard anything