[Verse 1] Ah wanna tell ya 'bout a girl You know, she lives in Apt. 29 Why... that's the one right up top a mine Ah start to cry, Ah start to cry O ah hear her walkin' Walkin' barefoot cross the floor-boards All thru this lonesome night And ah hear her crying too Hot-tears come splashin' on down Leaking thru the cracks Down upon my face, ah catch'em in my mouth! Walk'n'cry Walk'n'cry-y!!! [Chorus] From her to eternity! From her to eternity! From her to eternity! [Verse 2] Ah read her diary on her sheets Scrutinizing every lil piece of dirt Tore out a page'n'stufft it inside my shirt Fled outa the window And shinning it down the vine Outta her night-mare, and back into mine Mine! O Mine! [Chorus]
From her to eternity! From her to eternity! From her to eternity! Cry! Cry! CRY! [Verse 3] She's wearing them bloo-stockens, ah bet! And standin' like this with my ear to the ceiling Listen ah know it must sound absurd But ah can hear the most melancholy sound Ah ever heard! Walk'n'cry! Kneel'n'cry-y! [Chorus] From her to eternity! From her to eternity! [Verse 4] O tell me why? Why? Why? Why the ceiling still shakes? Why the fixtures turn to serpents snakes? This desire to possess her is a wound And its naggin' at me like a shrew But, ah know, that to possess her Is, therefore, not to desire her [Chorus] O o o then ya know, that lil girl would just have to go! Go! Go-o-o! From her to eternity!