Since me and Jesus got: married Haven't been a minute apart With the receiver in my hand And re-ligion in my heart. I can ring 'im up easy Ahhhhhh Oh well Ring 'im up easy Go make up my Mmmmm Weeping that he ain't: lost They despised the Amen Hanging on the Cross Hanging there in misery Ahhhhhhh Oh well Hanging there in misery Go make up my Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmm mmmmm Jesus gon' make up my
They despised the: Amen Made poor Martha moan Jesus said to his de-ciples Come and carry my mother along Dying will be easy Ahhhhhhhh Dying will be easy Dying will be easy Jesus gon make up my I'm dead and: buried Somebody said that I was lost When it get down to Jordan Have to bear my body across Done gone over Ahhhhhhhhh Oh well Done gone over Make up my...