Inside these chilling walls she must call home She shivers in repeating desperation And there her biggest fear beacons her to come The box of her reluctant adoration It plays (the sound of angels) It breaks (her mind to pieces) She has no choice but to accept what it gives and takes (It waits) What does it hold? (It calls) What will the box provide? Kh*morrah's aching spirit Enslaved to find out what's inside The fear of the unknown draws the child's tears Intoxicating pain taints the child's mind Pacing the pedestal she must weigh her fears Against the hope of all the good she craves to find The joy and praise that reigns tonight Can turn to cold and merciless days Of fear and plight Facing her constant nightmare In fear of One more in a thousand leaps of faith For the pain she must once again revere She must survive the day She must give in The child's heart is racing Her nerves come marching in The box, the strain Kh*morrah's ball and chain Must open for her hunger to enchain It's done, the box of faith has opened once again But nothing seems to have reciprocated
It can't, the box always provides a bearing gift So from troubles she has not been extricated But something's wrong Something tells her she is not alone From the spherical periphery of her vision shadows taunt her misery Inside the chilling walls that she must call her mind The shadows repent the peace she holds And there her biggest fear tortures her inside The box that mocks her as her pain unfolds again Feel her strain again Let the shadows reign Whispers: (A thousand shadows emanate from the box, taunting the child and the fear she harbors. She had no choice, for the box is the only source of nourishment, while also being the giver of darkness. Her mind is about to break, she must do something. She must stare into the light emanating from the box and face the fear that's haunted her from the inception of her memory) It's time to fight, to look inside And stare into the burning ravenous light And stare into the burning ravenous light Let the light burn all these infernal shadows away And may blind eyes find these lost shadows of the underworld astray